Planning what to wear isn't always the easiest, so we have created a little inspiration guide to make packing easier for you. The weather will hopefully be sunny and hot. Temperatures usually range from 29 to 33°C during the day, and goes down to around 18°C at night. So pack light and comfortable summer attire. At the Villa there is grass, gravel and very uneven terrain, so we recommend the women to leave their thinest/highest stiletto shoes at home, and opt for shoes with a thicker heel.

But most importantly, wear something you feel great in, and don't feel obligated to go and buy something new.


Friday, we are going to spend the majority of our time relishing by the pool. Therefore, make sure to bring along your beloved swimsuit, flip-flops, and sunglasses and simply bask in the warm rays of the Italian sun.

Later in the evening, we plan to have a casual BBQ at the Villa, so a stylish summer outfit would be just perfect.


As the weather is likely to be warm, we recommend opting for light and breezy fabrics such as cotton, linen or chiffon. Flowy dresses and skirts would be perfect for the ladies, while the gentlemen can opt for a light-colored suit with a breathable fabric.

We kindly request that guests avoid wearing overly casual attire such as shorts, t-shirts or flip flops. As this is a special occasion, we encourage everyone to dress up and make it a memorable day for the bride and groom. We are excited to celebrate our special day with you and look forward to seeing everyone dressed to impress in their summer best.