The Villa Il Poggiale is surrounded by an estate of tall cypress trees, standing guard over vineyards and olive groves, reminiscent of landscapes seen in Tuscan Renaissance paintings. Nearby are many lovely Tuscan towns like Siena, San Gimignano, and of course Florence. Guests can enjoy a relaxing stay or take easy day trips to take in the art, flavors and fragrances of one of the most famous regions in the world known for its fine wines and olive oil, Chianti. Coming back “home” to Il Poggiale each evening, it’s time to relax with a dip in the pool or a drink in the rose garden before being treated to a candlelight dinner of local specialties in the restaurant. At Il Poggiale, you’ll rest assured that the memories will be everlasting.


We’re excited to host you at Villa Il Poggiale. The Villa has been booked exclusively for the entire duration of the wedding weekend, which means there is rooms for all guest and you won’t be required to book your own accommodation 28th–31st of August 2025. Your room will be check-in ready from 2pm on Thursday.

As mentioned in the physical wedding invitation, we kindly ask all guests to contribute to the cost towards their accommodation with €359 per person which will contribute to the cost of your stay and of the required city tax.

+45 60 44 77 69 (Mikkel Steen)

Bank information

Routing Number: 6128
Account Number: 0014919503
IBAN: DK9461280014919503
BIC-kode: KRONDK22
Name of Account Holder: Mikkel Steen
Address: Strandlodsvej 13G, 3TV, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark

Please transfer before 1st of June 2025 and reference your name in the transfer.


The very early news about the villa dates back to the 1408, when the Corsini family bought the Poggiale from Jacopo d’Agostini Martini.

The villa was then owned by the Florence priory commendam and later by the Ricasoli – Rucellai family. Its exterior dates back to the XVI century, with its nice Renaissance loggia and elegant door and window framings finished in Serena stone.

The central courtyard, along with its well, is probably the most ancient part of the villa; several embellishments and extensions were carried out in later times.

The interior decorations date back to the early XVII century, with nice frescoed rooms and painted doors. The premises for coach access and the coach house are frescoed with Renaissance grotesqueries.